Terminalia mantaly grows 10-20 m with an erect stem and neat, conspicuously layered branches. Bark pale grey, smooth and rather mottled.Leaves smooth, bright green when young, in terminal rosettes of 4-9 unequal leaves on short, thickened stems; length up to 7 cm, apex broadly rounded, base very tapered, margin wavy.Flowers small, greenish, in erect spikes to 5 cm long.Fruit small oval; seeds, about 1.5 cm long with no obvious wings.The generic name comes from the Latin 'terminalis' (ending), and refers to the habit of the leaves being crowded at the ends of the shoots.The layered branches are a feature of this species
Terminalia mantaly and terminalia mantaly variegata Caliper size from 2cm to 30cm is available from Foshan Greenworld Nursery Co., Ltd with straight trunk, good canopy and big quantities. please feel free to contact us